Monday, November 18, 2013

A whole new world!

Since my last post, the second one from FOREVER ago, I've dived into a whole new world. I've graduated from college, got my first post-grad job (that I loved so much), switched jobs to start a career and just recently bought my very first home! With all these new changes, I hope to actually start blogging and on a regular basis. Mostly about moving, life, decorating my new home and my favorite subject, CRAFTING. I read so many bogs and I really enjoy it so I hope I enjoy writing one as much as I do reading them!


Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Trip to the Farmers Market

What a wonderful weekend I've have! On Saturday, I went to a farmers market for the very first time. It was amazing and it certainty won't be my last trip. They had everything you could imagine from flowers and veggies to homemade jams and fair food. I thought it was so neat that they had many vendors selling foods and drinks you would normally see at the fair. Everything I saw was so fresh, grown right here in NC, and very inexpensive. I was looking at the prices of a few items that I normally get at my local grocery store and could not believe how much cheaper they were here. Being a farmer's daughter myself, I think that it's great to support local growers. North Carolina is currently tying to promote this and I love their new campaign, "Got to be NC, Agriculture". Here are a few pictures from my outing!

This is the farmers market I went to in Greensboro, NC. (Picture borrowed from their website)

This is from when we first arrived, there were so many plants for sale outside. That's my boyfriend, wMd, we had to have some muscle just in case we bought a lot.

 Look at all the gorgeous flowers they had!

These are some of the beautiful flowers we bought. 

Look at these amazing bouquets they had for sale. If I wasn't on a college budget, I would buy some every week for my apartment. I love fresh flowers.

The strawberries I bought for only $3, they look so yummy! (Even after I left them in the car for a little too long.)

I think this trip had inspired me to grown some plants of my own. I wonder what kind I should try? What did you do with your weekend? Have a fabulous week!


Sunday, March 4, 2012

My First Post

Hello there! Last year, around this time, I came across the blogging world. I started following just one regularly and since then it has grown to many more! So, I've decided to start my own. (How exciting!) I haven't quite got the blogging thing down yet, but I hope to very soon. (Any tips would be greatly appreciated.) To get started, I thought I'd write a little about myself. 

-I'm the oldest of three girls
-I'm a senior in college
-I'm in a sorority
-I've been dating my boyfriend since last semester
-I love anything preppy or monogrammed
-I'm from the beach and I have an obsession with anything nautical. 
-I'm a huge sports fan (Carolina Panthers and Carolina Hurricanes)
-I have puppy fever really bad right now. I hope to get one after I graduate.
-I have recently began to really enjoy reading.
-I'm a big foodie 
-I love all kinds of music, mostly classic rock
-I'm so not ready to graduate and join the real world yet, but I'm preparing the best I can :)

I think that's a good amount of information about me. I can't to get the hang of blogging even more and write my 2nd post!
